Board of Directors Approved 06/01/06
May 4, 2006

Present: Young, Hakenen, Hotaling, Curtola, Williams, Sullivan, Fisher, Machado, King, Capozzo, Sottana

Excused: Hon. Judge Moelk, Passalacqua

The meeting commenced at 5:30 p.m.

Minutes of April 6, 2006
Sullivan motioned to approve, Machado seconded. The motion carried.

Treasurer's Report
Fisher motioned to accept the Treasurer's Report, Hakenen seconded. The motion carried.

Membership Sales & Notations
Prospective Members:
- Steve & Hayley Causbrook
- Ty Leon-Guererro & Margarita Lopez
- Philip & Frances Kassis
Sullivan motioned to approve the applicants for membership. King seconded. The motion carried. The Board took note of three Notice To Sell forms, and one reduction in the asking price of a membership. The notices will be effective May 5, 2006.

Committee Reports

Green: The committee prepared a written response to a member on his concerns involving the costs and repairs to the storm damage on #17 green. The Board felt the committee did an outstanding job addressing the questions and requested that the letter be mailed as soon as possible.
Construction to #17 green and #18 tee is anticipated to begin in early June as the ground is still too wet at this time.
Cart Paths: Williams is working on the contract.
Golf: The Men's Invitational was discussed. The tournament will not use sponsors this year. Due to "no sponsors," the event will have an increased entry fee to cover the costs.
Tennis: The county has approved the tennis building for occupancy effective May 2, 2006. The committee would like to have a grand opening on June 11 and is requesting funds not to exceed $2,000 for the event. Sullivan motioned to approve, Machado seconded. The motion carried.
Transformer: During the process of the tennis renovation, it was discovered that the old transformer needed to be replaced. The cost of the replacement was $4,700. Sullivan motioned that the payment come from C.I.F. funds. Hakened seconded, the motion carried.
Membership: The committee reviewed information on the by-law procedure to implement a Social class of membership. After reviewing the by-laws, it is the opinion of the committee that a Social membership is not a statutory class of membership and that a vote by the membership is not necessary. The Board feels if this interpretation is correct, it should still be brought to the membership for vote. The Board is also interested in knowing:
- A campaign program to present to the general membership for feedback.
- Any facts on Social members becoming Proprietary members.
- Define the privileges of a Social class, including initiation and monthly fees.
The Board would like to have the fitness center included with a Social membership.
Pool & Fitness: The committee is looking into usage at the Fitness Center. The committee would like to charge a fee for tennis camp participants to use the pool. Young, Machado, and Capozzo will meet to discuss non members participating in the summer tennis program and swim team.

Phone on #8 Tee
The installation of the phone is not yet completed. The cable for the connections was short by 100 feet. A new cable will be delivered next week.

Request to Change Proprietary Number: A member requested to use his parents proprietary number. His parents were long time members of GVCC. Hotaling motioned to decline the request as the Board did not want to start a precedent. Machado seconded. The request was declined.
Letter on Social Memberships: A member who is opposed to a Social class of membership does not feel that the Board has adequately answered his questions on the subject. Williams and Sullivan will respond to the member explaining that the details of a Social class are still being discussed and that the Board will address all questions when this class is defined.

Sullivan motioned to adjourn. Hotaling seconded, the motion carried. 6:20 p.m.